السبت، 17 أبريل 2010

Borderlands and DLC 200mb and 2GB links

العاب تحميل لعبة الرعب  الجديدة

هذه الصورة بحجم اخر انقر هنا لعرض الصورة بالشكل الصحيح ابعاد الصورة هي 1024x576.
العاب تحميل لعبة  الرعب الجديدة

العاب تحميل لعبة الرعب  الجديدة
العاب تحميل لعبة الرعب  الجديدة

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Borderlands is a far-out first-person shooting and driving game with a penchant for team-based tactics. The game is designed to be played

cooperatively, by a team of human- or computer-controlled characters. Set on a science fiction frontier planet where anarchy rules, the action-adventure

casts the player as a mercenary character of one of four basic types: A well-rounded soldier skilled with weapons and vehicles, a hulking berserker

specialized in heavy weapons and up-close melee combat, a stealthy siren with the power to disable enemies and vanish from view, and a sniping-specialist

hunter with a pet hawk that helps in battle. The characters have complementing strengths and weaknesses, so in campaign missions as well as in pick-up

battles, there are advantages for different character types that work together as a balanced team

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OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: 2.4 Ghz or ******************************alent processor
Memory: 1GB System RAM (2GB recommended with Vista)
Graphics: 256mb video ram or better (GeForce 8 series or higher/Radeon R8xx series)
Hard Drive: 8 GB or more free space
Sound: Windows compatible sound card

DOWNLOAD from ExtaBit.com - Extra fast server for free and premium users !


DLC:Zombie Island of Dr. Ned

العاب تحميل لعبة الرعب  الجديدة


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